The Best Product To Store Insulin Pens Is Available Worldwide
August 15, 2020 • Tony Fontecchio
HangTite Gets Noticed By National Magazine
July 22, 2018 • Tony Fontecchio
The Best Place To Store Insulin Inside A Refrigertor
April 17, 2018 • Tony Fontecchio
The most convenient places in a fridge to store our stock of insulin may not be the best places. We tend to think our refrigerators maintain a mostly consistent temperature throughout, but the average temperature over time can be 3 to 10 degrees (or more) above or below the thermostat setting—in different areas of the fridge. The temperature in our refrigerator also fluctuates in cooling cycles, so every few hours - at the peak and valley of each cycle - the fridge temperature might briefly drop below or rise above what we would expect. Tips For Fridge Storage It makes...
HangTite Has Proven To Be The Diabetic's Newest Must Have Product!
September 27, 2017 • Tony Fontecchio
With the release of the newest diabetic product designed for storing insulin pens inside your refrigerator came the challenges of launching a product that the world has never seen before. There is truly no other diabetic product like the HangTite insulin pen holder and it has definitely turned some heads after becoming highly sought after by insulin dependent diabetics looking to gain space inside their refrigerators and clean up the clutter. Since HangTite has been featured in various magazine features and national press releases, sales have soared across every single state within the USA and many other foreign countries abroad....